20816 Central Avenue E, Suite 1
Blountstown, FL 32424-2206
Phone: (850) 674-8323
Fax: (850) 674-8353
Email: calhoun@ifas.ufl.edu
Website: http://calhoun.ifas.ufl.edu/
Driving Directions
FROM I-10 Eastbound, take Exit #142 (SR-71) and go south to US-20. Turn left (east) onto US-20. The Extension Office is on north side of US-20, across from the Courthouse in Blountstown and next door to the Old Courthouse (Sheriff's Office ).
FROM I - 10 Westbound, take EXIT #174(SR - 12) and go south to US - 20. Turn right (west). The Extension Office is on north side of US - 20, across from the Courthouse in Blountstown and next door to the Old Courthouse(Sheriff's Office ).