2199 South Rock Road
Ft. Pierce, FL 34945-3138
Phone: (772) 468-3922
Fax: (772) 468-5668
Email: irrec@ifas.ufl.edu
Website: http://www.irrec.ifas.ufl.edu
Driving Directions
From the Florida Turnpike, take Exit #152, Fort Pierce (SR-70). Continue north from toll booth onto Kings Highway. Go one mile and turn left on Pruitt Research Center Road, which dead-ends into Rock Road. The Center will be right in front of you.
From I-95, take Exit #129 (Okeechobee Road / SR-70). Go west on Okeechobee Road. Turn right onto Kings Highway. Go one mile and turn left on Pruitt Research Center Road, which dead-ends into Rock Road. The Center will be right in front of you.
Unit Photo: