Photo of R. Elaine Turner (Elaine)
R. Elaine Turner (Elaine)
Dean and Professor, Ph.D.
Photo of Katrina Alford
Katrina Alford
Education-Training Specialist II, Ph.D.
Photo of Robert Bailey (Rob)
Robert Bailey (Rob)
Production Specialist
Matthew R. Brannan (Matt)
Academic Assistant II
Photo of Kylie E. Brannen
Kylie E. Brannen
Executive Assistant I, B.A.
Kelli A. Brew
Academic Assistant III
Kyle Burks
Administrative Assistant
Photo of Cathy Carr
Cathy Carr
Associate In, M.S.
Keith Cinami
Program Assistant
Photo of Natalie Coers
Natalie Coers
Lecturer, Ph.D.
Photo of Jenai Collins
Jenai Collins
Academic Assistant II
Philip Daniels
Clinical Asst. Professor; Licensed Mental Health Co
Photo of Jane Dolder
Jane Dolder
Academic Assistant III, Undergraduate Admissions/Dr
Photo of H. Charlotte Emerson (Charlotte)
H. Charlotte Emerson (Charlotte)
Associate In, Ph.D.
Photo of James T. Fant
James T. Fant
Academic Assistant III
Cynthia Futral (Cindy)
Director, Finance
Photo of Andrew A. Horvath
Andrew A. Horvath
Academic Advisor I
Photo of Annette Isenhour
Annette Isenhour
Academic Assistant II
Kathryn B. Ivey
Assistant Director of Advising/Pre-Health Advisor, M.S.
Photo of Barbra C. Larson
Barbra C. Larson
Assistant Director, Education or Training Programs, Ph.D.
Caitlyn Lee
Accountant II
Noah Long
Farm Manager
Photo of Anne E. Mathews
Anne E. Mathews
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Photo of Heather J. McAuslane
Heather J. McAuslane
Associate Dean and Professor, Ph.D.
Nicolas Mora (Nico)
Data Management Analyst II
Photo of Kaelyn Nelson
Kaelyn Nelson
Video Production Specialist
Terri Perry
Administrative Support Assistant II
Photo of Anna Prizzia
Anna Prizzia
Academic Program Spec III, M.S.
Photo of Malissa H. Redden
Malissa H. Redden
Academic Assistant II
Misti Rucks
Instructional Designer I
Kathryn Rush
Instructional Designer III
Carolina Saenz-Failach
Academic Advisor I
Photo of Jarred Shellhouse
Jarred Shellhouse
Communications Manager, M.S.
Photo of Aaron J. Sotala
Aaron J. Sotala
Instructional Designer II, B.A.
Photo of Wendy R. Williams
Wendy R. Williams
DIR, Campus IT, B.A.
Photo of Allen F. Wysocki (Al)
Allen F. Wysocki (Al)
Associate Dean and Professor, Ph.D.
Total 36 people.