Photo of Lisa Hickey
Lisa Hickey
County Extension Director and Extension Agent III, M.S.
Photo of Michelle Atkinson
Michelle Atkinson
Extension Agent II, M.S.
Photo of Alexandra L. Draper
Alexandra L. Draper
Extension Agent II, M.S.
Photo of Christa L. Kirby
Christa L. Kirby
Extension Agent IV, M.A.
Photo of Nelly Nelson
Nelly Nelson
Extension Agent II, M.B.A.
Photo of Alyssa A. Vinson
Alyssa A. Vinson
Extension Agent I, M.S.
Photo of Katie Granberg
Katie Granberg
Outreach & Events Specialist
Photo of Kim Griffith
Kim Griffith
Program Assistant
Photo of Susan Griffith
Susan Griffith
Florida Friendly Landscape Coordinator
Photo of Wendy  Henry
Wendy Henry
UF/IFAS Operations Supervisor
Photo of Tara Jett
Tara Jett
Outreach & Events Specialist
Photo of Mary Lawrence
Mary Lawrence
Office Specialist
Photo of Mack Lessig
Mack Lessig
Community Gardens Program Specialist
Photo of Valrie Massey
Valrie Massey
Program Assistant
Photo of Angelica Morales Munoz
Angelica Morales Munoz
Ag Program Assistant
Photo of Meghan  O'Brien
Meghan O'Brien
4-H Program Specialist
Photo of Kathy Oliver
Kathy Oliver
Program Specialist
Photo of Brian Rigney
Brian Rigney
Program Assistant
Photo of Gail Somodi
Gail Somodi
Soil Conservation Supervisor, M.S.
Photo of Melanie Stokes
Melanie Stokes
Water Conservation Program Specialist
Lonnie Ready
OPS-Spons Prjs Non-Clerical
Total 21 people.